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Steve Ricketts Ski instructor Val D'Isere

Founder Member & MD - All Resorts


Instructor:                         Steve Ricketts

Fully qualified ski instructor Tignes

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Steve's Ski Courses 2022 
Join me on any of the courses below or you can book me for private lessons or request a course you would like me to run


Val D'Isere

10th - 14th Jan 2022


Good red run skiers and above. This course is specially designed to improve skills and personal performance on and off the piste. 

Main Points:

1. Small group with lots of individual attention.

2. Video feedback sessions with individual improvement plans.

3. Experience interesting and challenging terrain.

5 half days plus 3 evening sessions.

Book your place in advance.


£355 pp



6th to 12th Feb 2022

All inclusive

Ski Performance course.

5 Day ski course staying in a catered chalet by the piste. This Nordic adventure will be like anything you have experienced before.

Main points.

1. All day course with evening feedback and daily improvement plan. 

2. Catered chalet with hot tub, sauna and TV-meeting room.

3. The chance to try ski touring and cross country skiing.

Flights not included.


£990 pp

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Meribel 3V's

5th and 6th March

Preparation Weekend for BASI L2

Get ready for your course with and overview of your performance to get you skiing at your best and specific points to focus on. Your trainer will advise you how to make the most of your strengths and avoid your weaknesses.

BASI students only

Piste Performance


Video analysis

Tied review


£98 pp

Steve Ricketts Ski teacher Val D'Isere & Tignes


Steve Ricketts - ISTD


From Wigan in the Northwest of England Steve founded BASS Val D'Isere & Tignes in 2002. He has been a qualified ski teacher for 35 years, a full cert for 30 of those and a trainer of ski instructors for BASI for 20 years.

Steve has worked all over the world teaching people to ski, guiding and exploring in places like New Zealand, Argentina and most of Europe. He now lives in Norway when he is not working in one of the BASS resorts.


"Since forming BASS it has been a great joy working with our exceptional team. With their help and dedication BASS has become something we can be really proud of. I have made so many friends over the years and I am honoured to have taught so many wonderful people."


When not skiing or running the BASS office, Steve is an author in Oslo, Norway.

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